A new interior design trend?

Using pennies to tile your floor/wall

Recently I have come across a few images of people using copper pennies to tile their floors/walls. Personally, I like the idea. I think you can accomplish some really cool looks. Don't believe me? Keep scrolling down and find out for yourself! 

Cents and Sensibility: How To Install A Copper Penny Floor   DesignRulz.com:  

Penny Floor:   

polyurethane floor project pennies - Google Search:  

This bar costs pennies!!:  

Domestic Imperfection.. I thought I would pin her blog here or spend an entire day or more pinning all her fabulous DIY's..:  

Kelly’s Freehanded Penny Foyer:

Penny Wall - Finished Wall before chimney install - whatchaworkinon.com:

Penny wall! Penny's applied to MDF while lying flat. Then covered with bar top epoxy for the gorgeous "underwater" effect. One wall in dinning room to accent rhetorically penny backlash in kitchen:

Penny Wall...thoughts on this for maybe one wall in a bathroom?:

Penny wall!! <3  She would have loved a penny wall although I think it would have frustrated her a little that she couldn't play with them!:
